Tuesday 9 September 2008

Red shirt

I felt like I was an ensign on the enterprise today, I was poking around in a computer that I was told wasn't working properly, so I plug it in and BOOM the thing blows while i'm touching it, needless to say my hair was on end!


It's great working in IT not only are you chanllanged constantly, you also get to geek out doing geeky things like fixing computers.

At the power station I find certain parrallels with the fictional space station DS9 there are always things going wrong because alot of the technology is really old, and many system are grafted together, so you find that alot of problems can be fixed by replacing small part of a bigger system normally works a treat.

I often find myself making chief O'brien fixes that more often than not fix everything.

Monday 8 September 2008

Blog post 1

This will be my blog detailing in as little detail as possible my trials and tribulations as an IT undergraduate. This is for myslef so I hope no one reads this :P